Okie Dokie…….
I didn’t mean to leave you with a cliff hanger…..well I guess I did, and it was kinda fun. All the speculation was cool, but no I’m definitely NOT getting married, or starting a hemp farm, or coming home right away. While I wouldn’t call it a “reform school”, my philanthropic pursuits have always been directed at wayward Thai girls. That’s nothing new, so it’s not what I was talking about…..Alright here it is………
In my travels around Southeast Asia, nearly everywhere I go they are selling gemstones. I couldn’t help noticing…..I’m just attracted by shiny objects. All those stones are for sale because Thailand, Cambodia, Viet Nam, and Burma all have mine that produce Rubies, Sapphires, Jade and other precious stones. Now, I don’t know the first thing about that stuff so, all I’ve done up to now is look and say “pretty”.
So what does that have to do with Bangkok? Well, I’ve decided to go to school there and learn the gem trade. The Asian Institute of Gemological Science is in Bangkok. I went there yesterday to check it out. I left the mysterious post, because I wasn’t sure about the plan til after I checked out the school. Now I’m sure about it. I start in two weeks. In six months I’ll be an accredited gemologist. At least it will give me something to do besides improve my pool game and play guitar, and I might be able to make some money at it.
I’m going to miss living in Pattaya, but I’ll be able to come back on weekends. Bangkok can be a little rough, but I’ll be alright. Also once again I’m putting off my trip West to finish my round the world, but I’ll make it back to LA some day. I miss all of you guys, but there is something about this plan that is drawing me forward, and I feel like it’s the right thing for me right now. So wish me luck!
Congrats on the new car Jenny.