Back to America
Well, I’ve gone and done it. I booked my flight back to LA on Dec. 13. I managed to get a non stop flight from Bangkok to LA. It’s strange, because I get on the flight at 8:10 PM, then arrive 17 hours later at 8:40 the same day….time travel….cool. Well, that’s my big news. Other than that, I have to move the last of my stuff out of Bangkok, and just enjoy my last week in Thailand for a month. I can’t wait to see you all.
Harvey said...
Ya know T-boy looks great. He has been eating fish and rice for a while and has gained some weight But! I got his test results back and they are off the chart for his liver function. They are very bad! On top of that he hasn't pooped in four days. He is however very energenic and full of life. He is a riddle. Mikey is going to go see you guys and I must say I am a little jealous. It would be nice to have a Christmas with family. That being a place that it means something. It's just a blip on the radar here. Aon and I got a Christmas tree today It's about two feet tall and is like one of those fider optic balls from the seventies. There are a bunch of places in town to get a Chrismas dinner (Dukie and all the trimmings) but I'm afraid it's not going to be the same as spending it with all (most of) my family and friends. I will fumble through it some how (snif snif) and miss you all dearly. spill some eggnog for me.
Lotsa Love
We'll definatly spill some eggnog for u Harv'....and we will miss u a lot, big hug to T-boy for us we'll miss him too and think about him all the time...
im sure we'll spill more than eggnogg harv! i miss you so much, but im glad you are able to be there for thirsty. hes got a good buddy in you.
well mikey when you come home we should do dinner...lucys maybe?? margs anyone???
let me know.
Mmmmm....Lucys...sounds great
mikey do you still have my cell #? it hasnt changed. give me a heads up when you wanna hang!
Man, I wanna go to Lucy's!!!! Oh well, we still get to see Mikey and that makes me very very very very very very very happy! It's been far to long Mikey. I can't wait.
Harvey, it was wonderful talking with you and we'll have to get you on the internet phone when we're all hanging out for the holidays, that way you're with us too. We are seriously going to miss you here too, so this plan might make it easier for us all.
Ok so the 8th is out....but I was told that I will definately have the keys in my hand on the 13th... HEY! That's Jamie's B-Day!!! I'll put a little bow on her set of keys.
LOVE Love and more love!
mikey is coming to town!!!
(to sing w. as the christmas song...)
Harvey said...
Well it's 11:00 A.M. Tuesday Dec. (here)13th Morning so let me be the first one
"in the World" to wish Jamie a Happy Birthday (because the day happens first in the east) also Happy Bithday to Aon (Jamie & Aon have some day) even though we are here together. You'll all be glad to know Mikey left this morning a about 8:00 A.M. so you will all be able to enjoy his company very soon. We are having a big party at our place tonite (you're all invited) and we are about to get our new pool table delivered. Their one small complication. It goes to the roof deck four storys
up and There is know way it's going to fit up the stairs so the crane will be arriving at 1:00. We are very excited and a little scared. We are taking pictures and so hopefully we will be able to share them with you all later. Wish us luck! We have cautious opptimism for T-boy. He has been gaining weight and seems well but still has bad test results. Well got to go. Enjoy you Mikey!
Lotsa Love
happy birthday gurl!!!!!!!!! hope u have a great great day !!!!!
oh yeah that was frm AleX BTW....
happy birthday Jamie!! im gonna wait to call you cause i know you guys went out last night. i'll let ya sleep it off!
miss you all.
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