Cambodia and Viet Nam
It becomes more and more difficult to go online as I go along. Thailand is a pretty wealthy and modern nation. Cambodian the other hand is one of the poorest countries in this part of Asia. Harv and I flew into Phenom Pehn, and checked into the California 2 hotel. It has a great location across from the Tonle Sab river. This town is still very wild, although from what I hear it has settled down considerably in the last few years. We met up with Matt, Warren and Dave, and have been give the tour of most of the great night spots. Phenom Pehn has no closing time so the party only stops if you take yourself out of it. This is a poor country, but that doesn't mean it's all poor there are plenty of nice homes, and the clubs are comparable to the ones in L.A.
Even before we arrived Warren and Matt had planned to go to Viet Nam, so day before yesterday we all got on a fastboat, and headed down the Tonle to the Mekong river into Viet Nam. The Mekong is a huge river sometime as wide as a quarter mile. It was a great way to see the countryside. The cruise took about 5 hours, and after going through the border checks we arrived at Chao Doc a kinda sleepy town near the border. At Chao Doc we stayed the night and then caught a mini-bus for Saigon (Ho Chi Minh City). The mini-bus ride was insane, Our driver must have been a retired mig pilot or something because he drove like he was being shot at. This guy never got passed on the whole trip (except when he would slow down to smoke a cigarette). We actually knocked this girl off her bike. I thought she was dead because she disappeared under the front of the mini-bus bus, but then got up and walked away without any visible damage to her or her bike. We actually passed an ambulance that had it's red lights and sirens going. Anyway we arrived in Saigon yesterday evening at 5:00. Saigon is a huge city, and although I just got here I like it. I think part of that is I like cities. Maybe because I'm from one, but I prefer the excitement of a city to the calm of the outback. Well today is my first day here so I gonna go out and see this new town. I hope all is well with all of you.
Number one fucky-sucky!
Me love you long time, me love you too much.
Too beaucoup, too beaucoup! Merci.
Almost forgot...
"Holiday in Cambodia, it's nice to get away!"
"Charlie don't surf."
"I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"
"Do you know who's in charge here?"
PBR streetgang out.
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